Personal values can be very diverse and individual for everyone. Anyone who deals with their values quickly realizes that it is not so easy to get clarity about which personal values are important for us and how. Find out with our Personal Values Assessment Test.
To do this, you first need to know your values and find out which of them are particularly important to us. We have compiled over 300 values, select from the values the eight values that you think are really important for you.
Search for personal values: To find a specific value enter it in the search field and press the “Search” button. Without a search, a selection of values will be shown. By entering “A” in the search field you will get all values displayed.
Selecting a personal value: To select for testing, click on your values, clicking again will take the value out of your selection.
As soon as eight personal values are selected, check again if they are really your most important values, if not, you can still deselect values and exchange them for others. If you are sure, then start the test. We will now compare each value with every other value you have chosen. You may now decide which value is more important at this point in your life.
Note that your personal values are always a snapshot. This does not mean that you have different values every hour. In the course of a hopefully long life we change and develop and therefore our values also change from time to time. Take a good half hour for the test. If you have not yet dealt with your values, the selection may take a little longer, if you already know your values, you will of course get a result much faster.
At the end the value test you get your top 3 personal values for which you have decided. You can repeat the test with the selected values or exchange values and start again.
Click here to start the Personal Values Assessment Test
Click here to download an overview of all personal values (PDF)
Click here you to view the Video Tutorial about the Personal Values Assessment Test
Frequently asked Questions
All my personal values are important, so why should I test them against each other?
Of course all your values are important for you. However, not all values are always equally important and there are always situations in life where we weigh values against each other. When two or more values with opposite characteristics compete with each other, this is called a value conflict. For example, sustainability can be an important value for you, but at the same time individuality and efficiency. Efficient scheduling with individual means of transport is in competition with living sustainability. This inevitably leads to a conflict of values in which you have to weigh your values against each other depending on the given situation.
What exactly is a personal value for us today?
Values can be very diverse and are individual for everyone. A value is a guideline, an orientation against which you can check your behavior towards yourself and your environment. The more exactly you know yourself, the easier it will be for you to make powerful and above all clear decisions for your life.
What is a personal values test?
The Personal Values Assessment Test helps you to get a clear and well structured image of which personal values are really important to you in a user-friendly and easy way. Our self-image, self-acceptance, self-worth and life goals are all closely related to our personal core values. By knowing our personal core values better, we can focus on what is important and it is easier to make the right decisions.
How do I determine my values?
First, try to think about your personal values for yourself and take a look which ones come to mind on their own. For example, think about people you hold in high esteem or who are role models or mentors to you. What values could they represent? Write down all the values you can think of. If you feel that there are still personal values missing, you can download our Personal Values List (PDF) with an overview of over 300 personal values. Once you have written down all your personal values, look for similar values and group them together. If you think a value is included in another personal value, cross it out. This decision is very individual, because the content of a value has a personal meaning for everyone. The important thing is that it fits for you. Now try to reduce this list to eight values. For an exact order and determination of the top three values use our Personal Values Assessment Test.
How do you assess your own personal values?
You can make an assessment of your values by looking at different aspects of your life in relation to each other. Even when comparing two personal values, a decision is made in favor of one value, but only in comparison within the current pair of personal values. This does not mean that the inferior value has no meaning. The chosen personal value is only in this direct comparison at least one nuance higher valued.
Why are personal values important?
Personal values support you in developing a sense of yourself. Values help us to make better and faster decisions. They serve as a kind of guidance star, so that our decisions are in line with the questions we ask. You achieve more self-confidence. By knowing exactly your values and what you stand for, you get a sense of stability and orientation in life.
What are a person’s values?
Personal values serve as a guideline for us. They form the framework under which our desires and ideas unfold and by which we can guide ourselves in life. Every person has his or her own individual personal value system which guides them through life. The values that guide us are not always really our own. Often shaped by culture and parents, the own personal value system could not develop freely. Through experiences made in life, a change of personal values can also take place. It therefore makes sense to regularly deal with one’s values and to question them. For example, with our Personal Values Assessment Test.
What is the best definition of personal values?
Personal values are beliefs, mindsets, ideals and desires about what is really important in life. Personal values are defined by the members of a society, shared together and lived individually.
What is the difference between terminal and instrumental values?
Terminal values are the values that a person wants to achieve in his or her life, whereas instrumental values are those that determine the type of behavior along the way. While there are common terminal values in a (cultural) group, the respective instrumental values and their interpretation may differ.
Examples of terminal values are: world peace, whisdom, or equality.
Examples of basic values are: happiness, courtesy or courage.
What are the 3 types of values?
Character values, work values, and personal values. Character values are universal or core values that relate to your main personality. Work values define the expectation in your professional environment while personal values help you define what you want out of life. Since the assignment is always individual, the same values can be professional as well as personal. Our Personal Values Assessment Test works with a set of 8 values that are compared to each another. You can identify your top values from all of your values or consider every area, that is important to you, separately.
What are positive values?
A positive value refers to qualities that are desirable and good. Examples are gratitude, self-love, world peace or joy.
What are some examples of personal values?
Examples of personal values are self-love, uniqueness, well-being, gratitude, self-respect, resilience, flexibility, frugality, assertiveness, personal responsibility, happiness. This is only a small excerpt, a list with over 300 values can be downloaded here: <Personal Values List (PDF)>.
You still have questions? We are looking forward to an exchange. You can reach us best via our social media presences. The links are in the menu above and at the bottom of this page.